Sundays after Pentecost, Proper 23 [28] Year C
Last Sunday some relatives came to visit after church and they told us they were going on a trip to Israel – leaving about now.
Last Sunday some relatives came to visit after church and they told us they were going on a trip to Israel – leaving about now.
They had a lot of fun telling us the places they were going
to. One of them had looked up lots of
the places in the Internet – so they he would be aware of what to expect.
The Travel Agent organising the tour had convened several
social gatherings of the group who were all from Perth, giving them all a
chance to meet each other before they embark on their great adventure. In fact the Travel Agent and his wife were so
impressed by the group that they have decided to become part of the tour group.
This morning I feel a little like that Travel Agent.
Here I am at the start of a journey for us all. We spent a few weeks back getting to know
each other and now we are ready to go.
But unlike the Travel Agent taking my relatives to Israel, I can’t tell
you what the destination will be. We
might have a bit of an idea where we would like to end up, but there are so
many variables that no-one can be sure at all about when we will arrive and
what we will look like if and when we arrive.
I have been doing a bit of reading lately about the
significance of journeys in the story of God’s people – of course Abraham set
out for an unknown destination in response to the call of God, and I am sure
you are aware of other journeys. What
has struck me most as I have read along – the book is called the “Faith of
Leap”; a nice little twist on our usual turn of phrase, a Leap of Faith – is
the value of courage for all who set out on a journey with the Faith of Leap.
I wonder how you all have been feeling since Rob first
announced he was leaving, and then left, and then we started this period of
interim, and the Bishop came and perhaps told a few home truths about the
precarious situation the parish was in.
That is something we will spend some time talking about over
the next few weeks as we consider how we will approach our unexpected and
perhaps new future.
There are two thoughts from the non-Gospel readings I would
like to just draw our attention to today.
The reading we had from Jeremiah is about probably the worst
moment in Israel’s history – their country had been defeated in battle and the
victors, wanting to further humiliate them by removing them from HOME and from
their GOD took them into EXILE in Babylon.
I don’t know whether you realise what this would have meant to them.
In those days, the general world view about gods was that
each country had its own God and that their God looked after them in their own
country – so Molek was the God of the Ammonites, and the Ashera and Baals were
the Gods, male and female, of the Canaanites; and YHWH was the God of the
It was almost standard operating procedure after a war for
the winner to take the vanquished back to their own country – not just because
they might have needed slaves or the like, but because so long as they were
left in their own country they could maybe get their god to do something.
So being taking into exile was the bleakest thing that could
ever happen – away from family, away from homeland and away from God. No wonder the Israelites said “How can we
sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?”
Given all of this, I wonder how the people would have felt
when Jeremiah said these words to them.
Let me remind you:
“Thus says the Lord of
hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from
Jerusalem to Babylon:
Build houses and live in them; plant
gardens and eat what they produce. Take
wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your
daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there,
and do not decrease.
But seek the welfare of the city where I
have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you
will find your welfare.
I have a feeling that these words might not have been welcome
in some quarters. I am sure they would
just have wanted to be back home – and this sounded like a complete
But this least expected answer is what God said was part of
the plan, the program for them as the People of God, and as people say these
days they just had to get with the program.
Being a local suburban parish church in Australia in the 21st
Century is a very tricky thing and I think that most of us have a kind of
template in our head of what it looks like when things are good, and what it
looks like when they are not.
In just my short association with you I have already got the
sense that many of you think things should be different – more people, more
secure financially, people enthusiastic about their faith, and so on – and we
find ourselves now in a place where we will have time to consider these things
and wonder and pray about what God wants for our future – what his program is
for us.
As we embark on this journey, of course we will carry those
templates around in our minds, while we are trying to plan our future, but I
think the words of Jeremiah are a salutary reminder to us all to be ready to
hear a plan that is completely at odds with what we would expect – if that is
what God wants.
Secondly, you might have noticed the little graphic I used
alongside the Timothy reading today with the words “Dying to Live”. This is one of those fundamental gospel
statements. In fact without this there
is no Gospel – but it can be really scary and in the right circumstances we
will do everything we can think of to avoid it.
We can really only find life if we are prepared to give it up.
When Jesus says “I am the Way” this is what he means – the
Way of death and resurrection – and we are all called into that same way if we
really want to find life. The way of
finding that “abundant” life that Jesus talks about is through the death of
ourselves – through putting aside the things we think life is about and
discovering that God has a program that is far more exciting.
But as I said, very often we will do everything in our power
to avoid doing this – it is real scary.
These are the two important things for us to remember as we
begin together. I will not be the fount
of all wisdom, who has all the answers.
Like the travel agent in my story to begin with, I will just be a fellow
traveller with you – and I don’t know what the destination is. That will be something for us all to work out
together over the weeks and months ahead of us.
Sometimes I might be like a coach encouraging you to do a scary thing,
other times I will be like your mother feeding you with some warm nourishing
food after a hard day’s work, and other times I might be like Jeremiah, telling
you something you didn’t expect.
This is the work that lies ahead of us. I am up for the challenge. I hope you are.
Let us pray.
Holy Friend, please release
in us that spirit of adventure that your people have always needed as they
followed in the way of your bidding.
Help us to grow in our love
and devotion to you so that as we seek out what your program is for us we will
have the confidence to step out and follow.
Release the real joy of
Christ in us, that with adoring gratitude we may link our small spirits with
your majestic Spirit, and find that inflow of health which rejuvenates our
whole being.
In Jesus we pray.
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